
coping with divorce

Family mediation can help you cope with the divorce process

Getting it right for the kids

This blog is the focus on the second tip for minimising the effects of your separation on your children.  It’s about finding a system that works for you, and, crucially, works for your children.  We often get asked what the ‘usual’ arrangements are for separating parents.  The truth is that there is no such thing.  There is no law, rule or specified time that each parent must spend with their children following a separation.  There are only arrangements that will…

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Communication, Communication, Communication (FB Live)

In this Facebook live we talk more following our blog about communication between separated parents and why it’s so important.  We look at why communication matters, and what to do when it really isn’t working.  We suggest ways you can acquire communication skills and make things better when talking to each other is providing difficult.  

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Life after Separation

Coping with divorce is a far from easy task and often you can struggle to know which way is up following a separation. Depression after divorce is common and separation can often throw up other issues such as anxiety, low self-esteem, sleeping problems and all manner of other issues. The divorce recovery can take some time and it can certainly be a long time before you feel there is life after divorce. Living alone after divorce can also give rise…

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