
Family mediation Reigate

[mailerlite_form form_id=null]Services for those going through a separation

If you’ve found yourself on this page then it’s because you have separated from a partner or are contemplating doing so.  It might be your decision, or it might be a mutual one, or it may have been thrust upon you.  It might be really early days and you may be struggling to process the vast number of emotions you feel from one minute to the next.  Or it may have been a little while ago and you now feel more able to make decisions about what happens next.  Wherever you are at in the healing process I hope that we will be able to help you find your own tailor made resolution that takes into account yours and your ex-partner’s individual needs, and those of your children.

Mediation services - helping through separation

If you feel a bit at sea with what’s happening for you then you may find some or all of the following useful:

  • Our blog which gives tips for dealing with particular issues and navigating separation generally.
  • Many of those going through a separation tell us communication is there number one issue – after all if you can talk to each other then you’re more likely to be able to resolve issues between you and work out your plan for what happens next.  We have a FREE 30 minute video you can download to help you understand why communication problems occur, and how to solve them.
  • If you’re finding it challenging to talk about making arrangements for your children then mediation is often a great way to discuss these.  It’s a safe space where you can explore the differing view you have with a professional to keep your discussions on track.  We are also able to offer Child Inclusive Mediation which enables your child to have the opportunity to have their voice heard as part of the mediation process.
  • You can also contact us by email or telephone.  If we’re not available we’ll call you back or arrange a time for a free telephone chat about the right way forward for you.

If you’re still not sure what family mediation involves then this short video may help you.

If your lawyer has suggested to you that you need to see a mediator for a MIAMS then this explains more about that.

You may like to look at what our clients say about us. We really do appreciate that at this emotional and challenging time you want to be sure you’re getting help from the right people.

We also have information about a local service that we help to set up that offers fixed fee packages to those going through a separation that encompass lawyers, mediators, counsellors and other professionals.

If you’re worried about how you and your ex partner will attend mediation meetings together because of geographical or logistical reasons, or because either of you have a disability then you may wish to explore online mediation.

Our office is only 15 minutes away from Reigate Town Hall (directions below..)

Reigate Town Hall

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