The purpose of this page is to put the links to all our free (or in a couple of cases inexpensive) resources in one place to help you. We know how much clients worry about how much it will cost to separate. We also know you want to use whatever resources you do have wisely and with a view to keeping as much in your own pockets as possible.
So here are the free resources we have created to help you during your separation.
Want to communicate more effectively but don’t know where to start? This simple questionnaire evaluates your strengths and weaknesses and so can make suggestions on where to start in making your communication more effective.
Not sure whether separation is right for you? Going round in your own head with the decision and not sure what feels right? Our PDF contains 5 tips to help you make the right decision for you so you can stop ruminating and move forward with a plan.
Struggling with finding hope? Does it feel like you’re stuck in a dark tunnel? Starting to visualise your post-separation life is important for talking about what happens next but it’s often hard to see. It can feel like nothing will ever be OK – let alone good. We have 5 days of inspiration that we send direct to your inbox to help you find that hope to enable you to start visualising what you want the next chapter of your life to look like. The letters also contain a little TLC and some guidance on managing separation for when you’re ready to explore this.
When you separate it can feel that you are caught up in endless arguments. You start trying to have a civil conversation but it quickly escalates and you’re back having the same argument again. Our free PDF gives you tips to avoid endless fights and to keep your discussions in line with the 4cs: Calm, Constructive, Conscious and Compassionate.

Think you might be a Highly Sensitive Person because you’re more easily overwhelmed by things going on around you (lights, people, noise, emotions)? If you are what does this mean for how you handle separation? Find our more in our free download with tips for HSPs navigating separation and divorce.
Resources for under £20
One of the biggest barriers to calm conversations is the fact you don’t feel calm! Our guided meditation helps you to find a moment of calm amongst all the emotions. It’s especially helpful to listen to if you have a difficult conversation you need to have with your ex. Or you can simply listen as often as you can to try to keep a little calm in your life.
Separation is both exhausting and confusing. So many thoughts in your head and you can’t decide which thread needs to be worked out first. Our mini guide to separation is like a roadmap for separation. It’s designed to help you navigate this journey – whether or not you wanted to go on it.