Congratulations on signing up for the free PDF with tips for diffusing conflict. I hope you’ll find it useful.
My guess is that you might be
- Fed up with feeling the work you do is unrewarding a lot of the time
- Stressed out and maybe feeling that your work/life balance is a bit off
- Wondering if you’re in the wrong career
- ambitious about qualifying in a dispute resolution process or doing more of this work (one day..!)
I hope that this PDF will help guide you on this journey. If you have any questions then please reach out to me by email or on social media (a private message is fine).
5 tips to help your clients have calmer conversations
If you’d like further support and tips from me then I’d love to see you in my free LinkedIn group: Communication tips for lawyers.
I also offer other training so you might be interested in our training events happening this year or you might be interested in our online training shop where you can download workshops and watch them straight away.
If you have ever wondered about becoming a family mediator then have a look at my blog where I talk about all that’s involved. In my role as a PPC I support mediators from their initial training, through the accreditation portfolio and beyond.
If you’d like to chat through becoming a mediator then please just drop me a line and we can have a coffee and I’ll talk you through it. I believe the world needs more mediators so I am always happy to help anyone on that journey.
If you are on social media then why not connect with me there?
LKW Family Mediation has the following accounts:
Or you can connect with me, Louisa Whitney, on Linkedin or Instagram.
Make sure you come and say hi (but you can do it privately in a direct message if you’d rather not do this publicly). I’d love to connect with you.