

Divorce counselling can help you through the process

Surrey Divorce Solutions: a new way to Divorce

This video talks about a new initiative that Louisa Whitney (the founder of LKW Family Mediation) has helped to set up. It’s an initiative that offers transparent fixed fees for a range of professional services for couples who are going through a separation or divorce. The video explains why the service was much needed and how it operates. For more information about Surrey Divorce Solutions you can go to www.surreydivorcesolutions.co.uk

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Feeling the fear

When you first learn about mediation it can seem a scary option.  Being in the same room as a partner you have separated from can be the last thing you feel like doing.  Emotions can be very raw and you can wonder how you will contain all the feelings that are bubbling up within you.  It can also be difficult where you have been separated for some time.  You may have had very limited contact with each other – or…

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Two sides of the same thing

When couples embark upon mediation they are ultimately looking for a resolution.  They want to be able to find a set of arrangements that will enable each of them to move on.  It sounds like a fairly simple objective when you put it like that.  However, even deciding on the first thing to talk about, and what the priorities are can feel like a mountain to climb.   It is not unusual for couples trying to reach a resolution between…

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We’ve separated. How long before we can sort everything out?

Divorce or separation can be a daunting time It can seem hugely daunting when you first take steps to look at what will happen following a separation or a divorce (or you may only be thinking of separating from your partner or spouse).    There is now a wealth of information on the internet on this subject which varies in its level of accuracy and helpfulness.  Much of it focusses on next steps and how to resolve financial issues rather…

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