A marriage breakdown is hard and painful. Mediation can help
This video talks about a new initiative that Louisa Whitney (the founder of LKW Family Mediation) has helped to set up. It’s an initiative that offers transparent fixed fees for a range of professional services for couples who are going through a separation or divorce. The video explains why the service was much needed and how it operates. For more information about Surrey Divorce Solutions you can go to www.surreydivorcesolutions.co.uk
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In this video Louisa Whitney shares her personal story of why she was drawn to be a family mediator and why she gets such a buzz from the work that she does:
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In this video Louisa explains how mediators help clients to find solutions as part of the mediation process. We hope it helps to demystify the mediation process!
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So you’ve either made the decision to separate from your partner, agreed this would be best by way of a mutual decision, or have been told by your partner that they feel the relationship is at an end. What the heck do you do next? A quick google search will throw up countless pieces of information, blog posts, articles and general comments – how do you know what’s good advice and what isn’t? Well firstly there isn’t a right way…
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There’s been a lot in the news recently about sky high fees paid by couples as part of particularly acrimonious court battles. As with all media reports about divorce they tend to relate to a minority of people – who are usually wealthy – rather than the majority of people who separate and divorce. But how much a divorce will cost you is one of the first questions that people want to know the answer to. It’s an important part…
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One of the things that we sometimes see in clients in mediation is an ability to make decisions or to put forward ideas as to potential solutions. We recognise that when couples separate either party can feel paralysed by indecision. This is often caused by feeling that there is simply so many ‘new’ things to process that it’s hard to know what to prioritise. Feeling overwhelmed can often mean that people lose touch with that gut instinct that can help…
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The media appears to have gone into a frenzy in the last 24 hours with the news that Angellina Jolie may have filed for divorce from Brad Pitt. The rumours as to what has caused this event are already plentiful. There seems to be an unspoken notion that somehow a celebrity couple divorcing is somehow a greater surprise than a non-famous couple separating. The reality is that couples separate every day and each one will have their own tale to…
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Over the last 3 weeks there has been a documentary on BBC2 following various different family mediators in their work trying to help couples who’ve separated find resolutions to a range of issues. If you missed it then you can watch all three episodes on iplayer. As it’s a programme on mainstream TV it has not shown all of the mediations and it’s important to note this. Mediation sessions can vary in length but are averagely around 1.5 hours long…
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A hot topic for non-mediation professionals, who are familiar with mediation, is often when is mediation not suitable. Our answer to this is that it is not suitable in very few cases. Some people are critical of mediators, saying that mediators argue that mediation is the answer to all disputes. This is of course not the case and there are circumstances in which mediation is definitely not appropriate (which we’ll come onto in a minute). However, we would draw a…
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We have recently put together a downloadable pdf of our top 10 tips to help separating couples to work together as constructively as possible. It follows our approach of helping couples who separate to find a resolution that is tailor made for them, and their children, through constructive discussion. You don’t need to be a client to download this. It is free to anyone who feels that it might assist. So please feel free to download it and share with…
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