
self development

Your personal growth journey: 5 tips for next steps

I really hope you’ve enjoyed or found it interesting reading this blog series.  I have thoroughly enjoyed writing it and starting a conversation about something that I think is not talked about enough.  I also think it can bring comfort to those going through a separation to know that the intense grief that comes with a separation is not forever, and it doesn’t have to define the rest of your life – or even the whole of the next chapter. …

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Personal growth: navigating bumps in the road

I hope you’ve been enjoying this blog series looking at personal growth?  This has been a long time forming in my mind and I’m so pleased to have been able to pull these threads together.  In the first blog I introduced the topic of personal growth in a separation.  In the second blog I gave you some questions to ask yourself to start on this journey, and set out meditation and journaling techniques to help you answer the questions on…

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Personal growth in a separation: what does it really mean

This is the third blog in this series looking at the possibility that there could be personal growth or self-development for you as a result of your separation.  In the first blog I talked about the idea of this concept and the suggestion that separation is the start of a new chapter, and even though the beginning may be characterised by doubts, worries and anxieties, you can choose to look (when it feels right for you) at what the middle…

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