Include your children in the mediation process
This blog started after a conversation between Louisa Whitney and Jo O’Sullivan and was borne out of a simple conversation about something that is an underused tool in resolving issues between parents. Both Jo and myself are passionate about minimising the effects on children of their parents’ separation, and about giving them a voice in this process wherever possible. If you’d like more information about our Child Inclusive Mediation services than please have a look at the page. You can…
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When I first used to ask clients contacting me for the first time if they knew what mediation was about then there was often a “not really”. Now I find clients making contact are aware of what mediation is, and have either made an independent decision that it is the right way forward for them, or have had a lawyer direct them towards mediation. Yet there is still not much known about child inclusive mediation which can be such a…
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I was asked a question the other day about family mediation and it occurred to me that I wasn’t sure there was a blog post with the information in. I’m quite sure there is a wealth of information on this topic across the blog but I felt it might be helpful to have it in one place. The question focused on two things: Do you have to be on the same page to try family mediation; and What do you…
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In this third blog in our series talking about family mediation we’re looking at children and how they can have their say in the mediation process. We have already talked about what happens in family mediation and what the main benefits are so please check out those blogs if you haven’t already. When a couple separate and are working out what arrangements they should make for their children it can be helpful to seek the children’s views on this. Many…
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In a recent blog post we talked about what happens after a separation and how you can come back from a low place to contemplate and eventually embrace life after divorce? We gave some tips for divorce recovery both in the short term and the long term. You can have a look at that blog by clicking here. We’re now revisiting that question but from the perspective of children whose parents are separating. It can be difficult getting the…
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