
Nick Arora

Keep children out of conflict

In a new series of that will coincide with Family Mediation week we’re giving some top tips. We really do know that those going through a separation struggle to process lots of information when they are feeling emotional and so breaking things down to a simple top 5 tips can be helpful. You may also find Get the most from a MIAMS helpful. In this blog we’re sharing our top 5 tips for keeping children out of conflict. Separating parents…

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Sort out money without spending it all

In a new series of that will coincide with Family Mediation week we’re giving some top tips.  We really do know that those going through a separation struggle to process lots of information when they are feeling emotional and so breaking things down to a simple top 5 tips can be helpful. Other blogs in this series Finding a lawyer or Mediator Get the most from a MIAMS Keep children out of conflict In this blog we’re sharing our top…

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Get the most from a MIAMS

In a new series of that will coincide with Family Mediation week we’re giving some top tips.  We really do know that those going through a separation struggle to process lots of information when they are feeling emotional and so breaking things down to a simple top 5 tips can be helpful. In this blog we’re sharing our top 5 tips for getting the most out of a MIAMS.  If you’ve already instructed a lawyer then they may have suggested…

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Finding a lawyer or Mediator

In a new series of that will coincide with Family Mediation week we’re giving some top tips.  We really do know that those going through a separation struggle to process lots of information when they are feeling emotional and so breaking things down to a simple top 5 tips can be helpful. In this blog we’re sharing our top 5 tips for finding a lawyer or mediator. 1. Start by thinking about what you want from a lawyer or mediator.…

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Tips for a peaceful separated Christmas

Christmas can be a really difficult time for separated parents. The first Christmas can be especially difficult as you adjust to the time when your children aren’t with you.  It can be doubly hard that there is a pressure to be having fun and to spend time with your family, and you aren’t able to do either. In this blog we have included 5 tips to try to make your festive season as a separated parent as painless as possible:…

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Children in a divorce

When you realise your relationship has broken down one of your immediate worries may be what effect the separation will have on your children. If your parents separated then this may bring up additional worries, as you may have had a negative experience of your parents’ separation. Or it may bring pressures to recreate the more peaceful separation your parents had when you were younger. It’s important to remember that your children can pick up on conflict between the two…

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Separation Guidance

When you first realise that your relationship has broken down there can often be a huge number of emotions that crop up. These might be: • Guilt, regret, doubt • Grief, anger, feeling bereft, sorrow • Fear, anxiety There may also be relief, and moments of joy or exhilaration,  for some woven into the mix. You may feel like you have a hundred questions in your head that you want to answer. Or you may feel that just getting up…

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Process focus: bringing them all together

This is the last in our series of blogs talking about processes.  If you’ve read our blogs on the divorce process, the process of sorting out money and on making arrangements for children then you’re probably wondering how on earth you bring it together, or how you do all that at the same time! Here are 5 things that we think are important: Don’t think you have to do it all at the same time. You can take things in…

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Process focus: sorting out arrangements for children

This is the third blog looking at the overview of processes.  We have already talked about divorce and money. In the last blog we also outlined the different processes that exist to help couples who are separating to resolve all the issues that crop up.  You can use the processes for any issue so it’s well worth having a look at the money blog to familiarize yourself with them.  We outline all the processes in our initial meeting so that…

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Process focus: sorting out money

This series of blogs is purely focused on processes to help provide a step by step guide to sorting out different issues. The first blog looked at divorce and now we’re looking at sort out money. Sorting out money issues can seem hugely complicated and many people feel utterly overwhelmed because they just don’t know where to start and how to tackle this huge issue. Essentially the process can be broken down into three main stages: 1. Information gathering and…

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