

Divorce court and mediation

Do I have to mediate:#3 what are the options?

In this new series of blogs we’re looking at the question we get asked a lot which is, do I have to go to mediation.  The first blog looked at what the rules say and the context behind why the rules were made.  The second blog looked at whether you might be able to resolve things yourselves and asked questions about what you need to resolve, and what the barriers might be to this.   In this blog we’re looking…

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Co-parenting through Coronavirus

Never has a period of time brought forth such use of the word “unprecedented”.  The use is of course justified as these are times for which there simply is no road map or blueprint.  Lockdown is a situation that was only put in place previously during airstrikes during World War II.  Even then the situation was not entirely the same.  I have already written guidance for those self-isolating in a house with a partner they’re separating from.  I now want…

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What the heck is a MIAMS?

You may have read something about MIAMS online? Or you may have been told by your lawyer that you need to see a mediator for one? But you may be utterly confused as to what this entails and what you need to do and why. This video explains more about MIAMS (Mediation Information and Assessment meetings). It talks about when you might need one and why and what they entail.

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The cost of divorce

There’s been a lot in the news recently about sky high fees paid by couples as part of particularly acrimonious court battles. As with all media reports about divorce they tend to relate to a minority of people – who are usually wealthy – rather than the majority of people who separate and divorce. But how much a divorce will cost you is one of the first questions that people want to know the answer to. It’s an important part…

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Putting your financial cards on the table

One of the questions that often crops up in the early stages of mediation is what financial information do I have to provide. The great thing about mediation is that the approach that is taken can be tailored to the clients in the process. In the court system everyone has to fill out the lengthy, cumbersome (and downright scary) Form E. It’s a 30 odd page form that takes a one size fits all approach to finances. For some people…

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Feeling the fear

When you first learn about mediation it can seem a scary option.  Being in the same room as a partner you have separated from can be the last thing you feel like doing.  Emotions can be very raw and you can wonder how you will contain all the feelings that are bubbling up within you.  It can also be difficult where you have been separated for some time.  You may have had very limited contact with each other – or…

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Are you brave enough to decide your future?

When you begin the process of mediation you may feel apprehensive and anxious.  You may wonder how compromise can ever be possible with someone who simply refuses to compromise.  You may wish to avoid taking directly because you feel hurt, rejected and downright angry.  It’s natural to feel like you want to run for cover rather than talking directly.   In many respects mediation is a brave and bold option.  It may feel much safer to get lawyers to write…

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