

Child Inclusive Mediation (a blog)

When I first used to ask clients contacting me for the first time if they knew what mediation was about then there was often a “not really”. Now I find clients making contact are aware of what mediation is, and have either made an independent decision that it is the right way forward for them, or have had a lawyer direct them towards mediation.  Yet there is still not much known about child inclusive mediation which can be such a…

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Co-parenting through Coronavirus

Never has a period of time brought forth such use of the word “unprecedented”.  The use is of course justified as these are times for which there simply is no road map or blueprint.  Lockdown is a situation that was only put in place previously during airstrikes during World War II.  Even then the situation was not entirely the same.  I have already written guidance for those self-isolating in a house with a partner they’re separating from.  I now want…

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Thinking about mediation?

I was asked a question the other day about family mediation and it occurred to me that I wasn’t sure there was a blog post with the information in.  I’m quite sure there is a wealth of information on this topic across the blog but I felt it might be helpful to have it in one place.  The question focused on two things: Do you have to be on the same page to try family mediation; and What do you…

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Can family mediation work in unusual situations?

We feel we have addressed the question of how family mediation works and the benefits of using this process in cases where there are two separated partners.  We’ve also talked about involving children in child mediation, known as Child Inclusive Mediation.  But what happens where your family set up is more complicated than that?  Is family mediation still an option that can be used?   In looking at this blog we are thinking primarily about the following situations:    Step…

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Where can you get extra support during a separation

In this video Louisa Whitney outlines some useful places to look for support in a separation.  Links to the resources found in the video can be found on our website by clicking here  The video covers help with understanding processes like the divorce or court processes as well as resources to help you manage your children’s feelings and emotions.  

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