

Do you need a lawyer when you separate?

This is a question that we get asked a lot by clients that have come directly to family mediation rather than seeking advice from a lawyer first. Often both clients have come to the conclusion that their relationship has reached the end of the road at the same time. They want to maintain an amicable relationship and they have some idea of the arrangements they’d like to put in place with regard to money, or their children, or both. They…

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Mediators: Stop pulling up the ladder

This post has been building in my head for a little while and I’ve gone back and forth on whether it’s an appropriate post for the blog which generally concentrates on tips and ideas for clients. Having mulled this over I have come to the conclusion that if you’re passionate about mediation then this must surely be an issue that has to be raised to ensure the sustainability of mediation for the foreseeable future, and beyond. So I’ve thrown caution…

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Are you brave enough to decide your future?

When you begin the process of mediation you may feel apprehensive and anxious.  You may wonder how compromise can ever be possible with someone who simply refuses to compromise.  You may wish to avoid taking directly because you feel hurt, rejected and downright angry.  It’s natural to feel like you want to run for cover rather than talking directly.   In many respects mediation is a brave and bold option.  It may feel much safer to get lawyers to write…

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