
summer holidays essay

Arranging summer holidays: what other support might help?

This is the last in our series of blogs looking at arranging summer holidays. In this series we’ve talked about why it’s important to make arrangements early, what to do if you’ve reached an impasse and what to do if you feel like you can’t face ever negotiating holidays with your ex again. In this last blog we’re doing a round up of all the help and support that is out there (well an overview!) so you can hopefully find…

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Arranging summer holidays: what if we can’t agree? Our top tips for dealing with an impasse

In our second blog focusing on arranging summer holidays we’re talking about what happens if you can’t agree. This follows on from our blog last week talking about why you should start making arrangements now. Part of our reason for suggesting the importance of making arrangements early is so you can give yourself enough time to deal with a potential impasse if you’re not able to agree on arrangements. If you find that you and your ex partner are stuck…

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