Mediation helps to get couples talking through separation
You may have read something about MIAMS online? Or you may have been told by your lawyer that you need to see a mediator for one? But you may be utterly confused as to what this entails and what you need to do and why. This video explains more about MIAMS (Mediation Information and Assessment meetings). It talks about when you might need one and why and what they entail.
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In this video Louisa Whitney shares her personal story of why she was drawn to be a family mediator and why she gets such a buzz from the work that she does:
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Albert Einstein apparently said “the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result”. This can be applied to many situations and certainly to conflict and relationships following a separation. In this video Louisa Whitney talks about this and how to break out of this cycle.
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There are so many ways in which people can be fearful following a separation or divorce. Louisa shares her own experience of feeling fearful when she left her job as a solicitor to set up LKW Family Mediation. She explains how she drew inspiration from her clients’ stories of facing their own fears during the separation.
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In this video we talk about the importance of the mediator remaining impartial. A crucial part of this is ensuring that the mediator does not keep secrets from either party. Find out more about this by watching the video:
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In this video we address what to do when you feel like the arrangements you have made for the school holidays aren’t working. This is a more informal video made by Louisa during one of her de-stressing walks in the beautiful Surrey countryside
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In this video Louisa explains how mediators help clients to find solutions as part of the mediation process. We hope it helps to demystify the mediation process!
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In this video Louisa talks about what led her to set up LKW Family Mediation and her passion for helping separating (and separated because sometimes you need help further down the line) couples.
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Responsibility is something that is often taught to children: from encouraging them to tidy up their toys and be responsible for their own things; or encouraging them not to hit someone who has said upsetting things; through to giving them pocket money or an allowance and encouraging them to save up for toys or clothes that they want. Responsibility as an adult is a more grey area since (outside of education and self-development) it is generally the case that it…
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This post has been building in my head for a little while and I’ve gone back and forth on whether it’s an appropriate post for the blog which generally concentrates on tips and ideas for clients. Having mulled this over I have come to the conclusion that if you’re passionate about mediation then this must surely be an issue that has to be raised to ensure the sustainability of mediation for the foreseeable future, and beyond. So I’ve thrown caution…
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