Mediation helps to get couples talking through separation
A separation or a divorce is never just a legal or a financial process. It is an emotional and personal journey that has been often likened to a bereavement. When you start in mediation the mediator will explain that other experts may be useful to empower and motivate you to find your tailor made resolution. The experts can be people you make separate appointments to see, they can be people that will provide further reports, or they can co-mediate with…
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When a couple decide to separate there can be a huge range of emotions that each has to deal with following that separation. When the couple start mediation this can make it difficult to hear each other. How often has somebody started a sentence with something that incenses you so much that you don’t listen to the next bit they say because you are too busy thinking about what you’re going to say next? This can happen in the…
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The Family Law Protocol requires all solicitors advising clients about family law to go through their complete list of options with them – even if they don’t offer some of the options as a firm. All clients seeking advice about a family law dispute should therefore have at least a basic understanding of mediation. But often that is all it is. You may have been told that mediation is an option, and you may have gathered that it involves talking…
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Make mediation work for you How often have you heard the phrase “my head says this but my heart says that”. Or people talking about whether they make decisions with their head or their heart. They usually mean that they are either an emotion or instinct led decision maker, or more about the facts and the analysis. Sometimes people are a bit of both, or sometimes they make decisions differently depending on what the decision is about e.g making decisions…
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