

Mediation helps to get couples talking through separation

Training for Mediators

In this video Louisa explains the training that mediators have to undergo and the requirements. It’s helpful for mediators to have a very broad spectrum of knowledge. There’s also a hint about a recent training course and how this might impact upon the work done at LKW Family Mediation. If you’re a family law professional watching this then please visit our training page or get in touch.

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Change is a scary thing

Change can be something that is very difficult to get on board with. This can especially be the case where it comes as part of a separation and you have to contemplate changes to things you had always felt were safe and permanent. It can also be more challenging where you have to face challenges you do not want to happen. In this video Louisa talks about facing up to changes and how difficult that can be and how to…

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What are you hoping for?

If you’ve recently separated from a partner then this video asks an important question? If you feel you need help and support in finding the answer then please get in touch with us via louisa@lkwfamilymediation.co.uk or by completing the contact form you can find by clicking on the tab at the top of this page.

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What is a PPC?

All family mediators have a PPC (Professional Practising Consultant) who helps support their mediation work and acts as a sounding board and mentor. Here at LKW Family Mediation we think this is a crucial part of mediation practice and we would like to see the requirement extended so that lawyers have a similar support system too. Counsellors all have supervisors and we believe all people working with couples who separate need support as it can be tough work and hard…

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Surrey Divorce Solutions: a new way to Divorce

This video talks about a new initiative that Louisa Whitney (the founder of LKW Family Mediation) has helped to set up. It’s an initiative that offers transparent fixed fees for a range of professional services for couples who are going through a separation or divorce. The video explains why the service was much needed and how it operates. For more information about Surrey Divorce Solutions you can go to www.surreydivorcesolutions.co.uk

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Why is my ex so unreasonable?

Sometimes when we send out information to invite each party to attend mediation the response we et back is something along the lines of “I’m willing to sort things out but the other person is just completely unreasonable”. It’s not unusual to get a response like that from both parties! This video talks more about this idea that the other person is the unreasonable one. We hope you will find it helpful.

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