
life after separation

Life after separation will be different

What happens when mediation doesn’t work?

For a number of people coming into family mediation there is a real fear around what happens if they don’t find a resolution in mediation.  Let’s face it life after separation is hard enough without investing time and effort in something that doesn’t elicit a resolution.  Those going through a separation worry about family mediation costs and it is natural to ask the question what will happen if it doesn’t work.  The only dispute resolution process that guarantees a result…

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Life after Separation for Children (FB Live)

Following our blog about what happens for children after a separation we went live on Facebook to talk more about this including highlighting key messages and looking at where to get help if you feel your children are struggling or you’ve noticed changes in their behaviour that you’re concerned about.      

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What happens after a separation for children?

In a recent blog post we talked about what happens after a separation and how you can come back from a low place to contemplate and eventually embrace life after divorce?  We gave some tips for divorce recovery both in the short term and the long term.  You can have a look at that blog by clicking here.  We’re now revisiting that question but from the perspective of children whose parents are separating.   It can be difficult getting the…

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Becoming a Family Mediator (FB Live)

This is Facebook Live Louisa Whitney talks about qualifying as a family mediator and whats involved and how might look at doing this training.  She also talks about how much she enjoys working as a PPC (Professional Practising Consultant) and developing, supporting and mentoring other mediators.      

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Life after Separation

Coping with divorce is a far from easy task and often you can struggle to know which way is up following a separation. Depression after divorce is common and separation can often throw up other issues such as anxiety, low self-esteem, sleeping problems and all manner of other issues. The divorce recovery can take some time and it can certainly be a long time before you feel there is life after divorce. Living alone after divorce can also give rise…

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