

Difficult conversations ahead

Thinking of separating: when do we look at a resolution?

In this blog series we are looking at the immediate days and weeks following the decision to separate.  In the first blog we gave some guidance on some things you might want to consider in order to be sure that you have exhausted all avenues in making the decision to separate.  Most people want to feel that they have tried their hardest to save the relationship before ending it.  In the second blog we gave some tips on how to…

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Difficult conversations ahead

Thinking of separating: telling your partner

Welcome to this second blog in the series looking at what happens when you’re thinking of separating from a partner.  In the last blog we talked about how to be sure you’ve exhausted all avenues of trying to make the relationship work.  In this second blog we will be sharing some tips on telling your partner that you’d like to separate.   This is an enormously difficult conversation to have and from working with separating couples in mediation we now that…

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Thinking of separating

If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time then you will know that here at LKW Family Mediation we are not a fan of media divorce myths and the so called “divorce day” is no different.  The statistics simply do not bear out the idea that there is a deluge of divorce petitions in January.  For those that do make the decision to separate in January it does a disservice to this difficult decision to write frivolous articles…

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It’s the most wonderful time of year

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”.  That’s how the song goes and oh, how I do love a Christmas song.  The cheesier the better in my opinion.  But for some families who have gone through a separation, Christmas and the run up to the festive season is anything but wonderful.  In fact, it is incredibly stressful and upsetting.  Whether it’s because there are differing views on arrangements, bad feelings between parents or it’s not your turn to have…

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The end is in sight

In this third blog Emma reflects on 2020 and her experience of being a mediator during the global pandemic.  Over to you Emma…… The end is in sight.  The end of 2020, that is.  And thank goodness for that.  This time last year few of us could have predicted what was coming our way and how all of our lives would change so dramatically.  Not being able to go to work, not being able to see our family, our kids…

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You will be hearing from my solicitor

In this second blog Emma Ingham reflects on the role of getting legal advice alongside the family mediation process, and makes it clear that it is not – and shouldn’t be seen as – a hostile or antagonistic step.  Over to you Emma….. It always makes me wince a little bit when I hear an angry soap character say the words “you will be hearing from my solicitor”. It certainly adds to the drama (and anyone who knows me knows…

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It’s all about me (a new perspective from our new mediator)

I’m handing over the blog to Emma Ingham who has recently joined LKW Family Mediation for the whole of December.  Emma has some great thoughts to share and has been kind enough to also give a personal perspective on her life to give some insight into what inspired her to become a family mediator.  Over to you Emma……… Well, I might as well say from the off.  This is a first for me.  I’ve never written a blog before.  When…

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Your personal growth journey: 5 tips for next steps

I really hope you’ve enjoyed or found it interesting reading this blog series.  I have thoroughly enjoyed writing it and starting a conversation about something that I think is not talked about enough.  I also think it can bring comfort to those going through a separation to know that the intense grief that comes with a separation is not forever, and it doesn’t have to define the rest of your life – or even the whole of the next chapter. …

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Photo 24365196 © Arnel Manalang - Dreamstime.com

Personal growth: navigating bumps in the road

I hope you’ve been enjoying this blog series looking at personal growth?  This has been a long time forming in my mind and I’m so pleased to have been able to pull these threads together.  In the first blog I introduced the topic of personal growth in a separation.  In the second blog I gave you some questions to ask yourself to start on this journey, and set out meditation and journaling techniques to help you answer the questions on…

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Personal growth in a separation: what does it really mean

This is the third blog in this series looking at the possibility that there could be personal growth or self-development for you as a result of your separation.  In the first blog I talked about the idea of this concept and the suggestion that separation is the start of a new chapter, and even though the beginning may be characterised by doubts, worries and anxieties, you can choose to look (when it feels right for you) at what the middle…

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