

Finding the light at the end of the tunnel #4

This is the final part in our blog series looking at what positives there might be following a separation.  As we’ve highlighted those going through a separation don’t always see them immediately but it can simply help to know that there might be positives further down the line. The first blog was the introduction and talked about why positives are important, and especially right now during the pandemic.  The second blog talked about how there can be an improved relationship with…

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Finding the light after a separation #3

Welcome to this third part in the blog series looking at trying to find the light at the end of the tunnel following a separation.  We hope to highlight some positives that you may not have thought of to keep you going in the more difficult moments.  It can also be a part of the healing process to start to open up to the possibility that there can be some positives to your separation.  These might start really small (so…

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Finding the light after a separation: your relationship with your child

This is the second blog in our series for February and in order to try to have a positive note on the blog we wanted to focus on finding light at the end of tunnel.  We know that it’s often hard to feel like there might be light at the end of the tunnel during a separation.  It can certainly feel like you might never find it at points.  We have often talked about how feeling stuck can be the…

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Finding the light after a separation #1

The other day I was thinking about new blog topics for February and it occurred to me that I always seem to look at the difficulties in separation.  There’s an obvious reason for this (well many really): There are many difficulties in divorce and separation It’s my job to help those going through it to navigate this tricky path So many issues arise from separating from a partner But I have also been mindful of how difficult people are finding…

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Thinking of separating: our top 5 tips

So this blog brings us to the end of our series on dealing with the immediate aftermath of a separation.  If you haven’t already seen the blogs then the first one set the scene and suggested some things to think about for those that weren’t sure they had yet made the decision to separate.  We then shared some tips on how to tell your partner you want a separation.  This is an enormously difficult conversation to have but doing it…

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Difficult conversations ahead

Thinking of separating: when do we look at a resolution?

In this blog series we are looking at the immediate days and weeks following the decision to separate.  In the first blog we gave some guidance on some things you might want to consider in order to be sure that you have exhausted all avenues in making the decision to separate.  Most people want to feel that they have tried their hardest to save the relationship before ending it.  In the second blog we gave some tips on how to…

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Difficult conversations ahead

Thinking of separating: telling your partner

Welcome to this second blog in the series looking at what happens when you’re thinking of separating from a partner.  In the last blog we talked about how to be sure you’ve exhausted all avenues of trying to make the relationship work.  In this second blog we will be sharing some tips on telling your partner that you’d like to separate.   This is an enormously difficult conversation to have and from working with separating couples in mediation we now that…

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Thinking of separating

If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time then you will know that here at LKW Family Mediation we are not a fan of media divorce myths and the so called “divorce day” is no different.  The statistics simply do not bear out the idea that there is a deluge of divorce petitions in January.  For those that do make the decision to separate in January it does a disservice to this difficult decision to write frivolous articles…

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It’s the most wonderful time of year

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”.  That’s how the song goes and oh, how I do love a Christmas song.  The cheesier the better in my opinion.  But for some families who have gone through a separation, Christmas and the run up to the festive season is anything but wonderful.  In fact, it is incredibly stressful and upsetting.  Whether it’s because there are differing views on arrangements, bad feelings between parents or it’s not your turn to have…

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The end is in sight

In this third blog Emma reflects on 2020 and her experience of being a mediator during the global pandemic.  Over to you Emma…… The end is in sight.  The end of 2020, that is.  And thank goodness for that.  This time last year few of us could have predicted what was coming our way and how all of our lives would change so dramatically.  Not being able to go to work, not being able to see our family, our kids…

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