

Mediation helps to get couples talking through separation

Is it bad to argue in front of children?

Hands up all the perfect parents out there.  What? No-one. That’s right. There are no perfect parents.  Hardly groundbreaking news but sometimes it’s worth remembering writes Emma Ingham.  Parents are just people, trying to do their best, but sometimes – even a lot of the time – making mistakes.  And the feeling of making mistakes can be heightened when you are going through a separation and potentially arguing with your ex-partner.  Sometimes these arguments will happen in front of your…

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Changes to the Family Court

In recent years the government has placed a much greater emphasis on separating couples/parents resolving issues outside of the court process wherever possible.  This started with the introduction of the requirement to attend a MIAMS (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) a few years back but there have been issues with whether this requirement was policed and what difference it made if you hadn’t.  The reasons for it are probably clear to anyone with any knowledge of the family court system…

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The Love Game

It occurred to me the other day that I’ve been blogging about divorce and mediation for over 10 years and I’ve never written about love writes Louisa Whitney. That struck me as being particularly strange given the work I do. It almost feels taboo to be talking about love when you talk about divorce as though you are breaching some unwritten rule. The simple truth is that when your partner tells you they want to separate, or you make the…

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Why it’s important to be realistic on finances

It has never been more apparent than now that we all must be more aware of our finances writes Emma Ingham, and our financial situation.  The cost-of-living crisis that is so widely spoken about, and is affecting so many, is incredibly worrying.  For those who are going through a divorce or separation, times that worry by about, well, a million.  That is why, when discussing a financial settlement in mediation, your mediator will help you look at your finances in…

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Who gets the dog?

How can family mediation help with who gets the dog? Family Mediation is known for supporting couples with financial settlements writes Michelle Rumsey and childcare arrangements. As family mediators our roles are not isolated to only financial and children, we incorporate a wide range of other areas.  One area in particular that has increased over the years is the family dog and ‘Who gets the dog?’.  Dogs are part of the family and may people find the way the court…

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3 hidden benefits of family mediation

It’s a truth universally acknowledged (by family mediators anyway), that mediation has many benefits.  For example, it is widely accepted that family mediation is quicker, more cost effective and less acrimonious than going to court.  Here are three further benefits to family mediation that you might not have thought of: It is empowering You are in control when you come to mediation.  You can choose the mediator, someone you feel you can work with and trust.  You can choose the…

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Do I need to mediate: #4 getting an answer

Hopefully if you’ve followed these blogs for the last few weeks then you have a greater idea of the thinking that goes into this question.  In order to help you arrive at a definitive answer the purpose of this blog is to pull the threads together into a thought process. The starting point is do you have issues that need resolving as a result of your separation?  These might be to do with money, or your children, or both.  Or…

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Can family mediation work in unusual situations?

We feel we have addressed the question of how family mediation works and the benefits of using this process in cases where there are two separated partners.  We’ve also talked about involving children in child mediation, known as Child Inclusive Mediation.  But what happens where your family set up is more complicated than that?  Is family mediation still an option that can be used?   In looking at this blog we are thinking primarily about the following situations:    Step…

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How do you know when a marriage is over?

It might sound a strange question but we see a lot of clients who either aren’t sure whether there is any chance of saving their marriage, or who have been told that the other person wants the relationship to end but they don’t.  So this begs the question how do you know when a marriage or relationship is at an end?   Firstly, any relationship needs two people to want it to work, and for it to be able to…

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What are divorce coaches and can they really help when you separate?

If you’re going through a separation or a divorce and have been looking for information online then you may have come across divorce coaches.  You may be wondering what they do or whether they can help you to get through a divorce.  Coaching seems to be an increasing trend in recent years and you may be wondering whether divorce coaching is just a step too far and what it’s all about.   We’re often talking about the importance of accessing…

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